2.5 Nodes - Data Input Nodes - Form Node Print

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Form node is similar to the Request User Data node. With form node, you can collect data from users at once, with further options available for validation.

1. Title – This is a mandatory section. Choose a title for the form, that will appear at the top as a heading to the form.

Additional Information – Section where you can add a description of the form. This will help the users know what is the purpose of the form.

2. Display Fields –

You can add a set of 10 Display fields in one Form node, there are five types of attributes we support in the Form node.

i) Text; The Text type attribute will accept all kinds of inputs, you can add your own custom regex format for texts.

ii) Number: The number type will accept only numbers and you can use the three predefined conditions present.

iii) Email: Email type will accept only email IDs. You can use two basic validation types Allow and Restrict Domains which will only allow or restrict the domains, apart from this you can add your own custom regex for Emails too.

iv) Phone Number: The phone number will accept numerical inputs, you can add the pre-defined validations present or write your own custom regex as part of the validation type. Furthermore, we have provided the option of Country Code via which Users can select their country code from the dropdown list.

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v) Date: Date type accepts only dates and you can use the conditions

  • Before
  • Between
  • After

vi) List: List type provides static options in a dropdown format. Click on the ‘Add Option’ button to add more options and their static attribute value that will be set, when the option is selected by the user on the chatbot.

You can configure the dropdown to allow multi-select.

Once the user selects a value, the same can be accessed in the attribute – {{<attribute_name>.value}}

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In the above example, upon using {{gender.value}} all the user selections can be accessed.

3. Continue and Skip Flow

You can enable Skip for the form, where the users can continue with the further flow without adding the requested data.

Note: All text fields can be translated except the attribute fields.


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