The Slider node enriches the visual experience and the input method via which your end-users can feed the values.
Slider Input Type – Select the type of input you want to receive from the User.
User Prompt – The message that will be shown to the end-user.
Validation Input – The message that will be shown to the end-user when they enter an invalid input.
Range – You can enter the minimum and maximum values and the message to be shown in the Label part.
Step Value – The value of increment that will be used for each step in the Slider.
Attribute – The value chosen by the end-user will be stored here.
There are three types of input supported:
Note: The slider option is only present for bots deployed either as a standalone or over a website, for other channels this node will act as a Request User data node.
The type of these attributes by default is 'Number' for all three categories.