12.2 Activating Live Chat - OneView Inbox (messages) - Active Messages 93 Print

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1. Introduction 

If the agent or supervisor picks up a chat from the New Section, they will be redirected to the Active Messages tab and the agent can start chatting with the end-user. 

1.1  Availability

The agent or supervisor can see the Active Tab under Messages.

2. Active Messages

The agent or supervisor can start having Messages with the users from the Active tab. The agent or supervisor will be able to see only those chats which they are responding to. 

The agent can reply by typing messages in the “Respond” Section. The agent can respond using the multiple options available. 

1. Adding response from the FAQs added: The agent can search from the FAQs added in the Smart Response section and can reply to the user accordingly.  The agent can directly search using the user query from the FAQs added by clicking on the vertical ellipsis and select Get Smart Responses.

2. Quick Reply: The agent can use the Quick Replies added and reply. The agent can select any of the replies, edit and send it out to the end user. You can select the add as a quick reply option on the text the end user send.

Agents can now use a quick shortcut ‘/’ to search or add a quick reply in the message response box.

You can also provide better clarity on the quick replies, by adding a header with a description. It is available under Configure > Live Chat > Add Quick Reply (button).

3. Emojis and attachments: The agent can add emojis with the replies to make it more interactive. The agent can also send images and files to the end user. The documents will be sent as a URL which the user can access.

4. Quoting responses: The option of quoting responses from end-users is available only for web, where the Agents can quote particular responses from the end-users and reply back for the same.

The agent can also select messages from the chat to mark to Train. The supervisor can then train the query and the bot can respond to the query directly. 

3. Filters

The agent can sort or filter the queries they are responding to by clicking on the icon next to the Availability toggle.

The agent can sort the Messages with the option for ascending (oldest first) or descending (latest first) the Start Time i.e the time when the Messages started. The default sorting mechanism is Start Time – Descend (latest first) 

The agent or supervisor can filter the Messages with attributes like Channel,Search users.

Additionally, the search users tab also will help you to filter the details with name and email etc.

4. Chat Resolution

4.1. Switch to Bot

The agent can switch the Messages to bot and can select a path where the agent wants to redirect the user to. 

The agents can only redirect to the paths that have been marked for Switch to bot via the Owner.

4.2 Transfer to Agent

The agent can transfer to other agents of their category. You can see the list of agents who are online and offline and you can assign the chat accordingly.

You can also assign the chat to a particular category where you can select the option of Auto-assign or direct it to an agent under that category.

If all the user queries coming in are resolved, the agent can mark the query as resolved.

4.3 Pending resolution

If there is some information required from the end user, you can mark the chat as pending resolution. After marking the chat Pending Resolution, you’ll be able to see the an orange exclamation icon. 

After marking the chat as resolved, it will be visible in the All chats section.

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