


The complete terms and conditions are applicable to any and all services/products of Meta Humans LTD:

All these domains are referred to as "MH" or "Meta Humans" or "metahumans.ltd".

https://metahumans.ltd - Meta Humans Ltd Head Office (Do not store client information).

https://metahumans.ltd/clients - Meta Humans Ltd Automated Billing Platform (Stores and process client information specific related to clause 8 of the Terms and Conditions of Meta Humans Ltd including this page).

https://metahumans.bot  - Meta Humans Ltd AI Chat Bot Platform - Stores and process client information.


Indexes in blue are completed. Take notice that this T&C's are updated and will be completed by 20 December 2023.

1. Summary Statement

2. Privacy Policy

3. "Disclaimers"

2. Summary of “Agreement”, “In other Words” Explanation

3. Rules of Conduct

4. Recitals to this Agreement

5. Definitions and Interpretation of this Agreement

5.1  “Business to Business

5.2  “The Client

5.3  Meta Humans”

5.4  “The Parties

5.5  Business Day

5.6  Business Times

5.7  Business Hours

5.8  Business Minutes

5.9  Pricing

5.10  Fees

5.11  Support Fees

5.12  Time and Materials Rate

5.13  Support Ticket Area

5.14 “Intellectual Property

5.15 “Intellectual Property Rights

5.16 Copyright

5.17 “Patents

5.18 “Trade Mark

5.19  “Work for Hire

5.20 “Confidential Information

5.21 The Client Data

5.22 “Dashboard

5.23 Development Services

5.24 Malware

5.25 Personnel

5.26 Authorized User

5.27 Personal Information

5.28 POPI

5.29 KYC

5.30 FICA

5.31 Privacy Policy

5.32 Provider

5.33 RICA

5.34 Service Level Availability

5.35 “SLA Tickets”

5.36 Service Order

5.37 Service Terms

5.38 API

5.39 “Technology

5.40 “Technical Information

5.41 “Documents

5.43 “Custom Software

5.44 “Custom Authorized Work

5.45 “Code Content


5.47 “Royalties

5.48 “Affiliates and Resellers

5.49 “Scripting Languages

5.50 “Business

5.51 Registrar

5.52 “EIP Agent

5.53 “CIPC Customer

5.54 “Website

5.55 “Annexure

5.56 “Specifications

5.57 “Project Manager

5.59 “Client Content

5.60 “W2C

5.61 Terminated Services

5.62 Signing of this Agreement

5.63 Acceptable User Policy

5.64 The Client System

5.65 CPA

5.66 DATA

5.67  Database

5.68 MH Equipment

5.69 “MH Premises

5.70 “MH Servers

5.71 “MH Website

5.72 Domains

5.73 Domain Names

5.74Emergency Maintenance

5.75 Industry Practice

5.76  Hosting Services

5.77 “Meta Human Bot Platform

5.78 “Meta Human Persona Platform


6.  “Amendment of Agreement”


7.  Law Enforcement Guidelines

7.1 “Binding Arbitration”

7.2 “Laws Affecting Electronic Commerce

7.3 “Acts applicable to this Agreement”

7.4 “Guidelines are Intended”

7.5 “Jurisdiction"

7.6 “Requesting Client Information

7.7 "What information is available?”

7.8  “What information is unavailable?”

7.9  “Requests from Law Enforcement”

7.10 “Emergency Requests”

7.11 “Preservation Requests for MH Sites”

7.12 “Serving Process on MH and Making Inquiries”

7.13 “Specific Request Procedures”

7.14 “Notices”

7.15 “Disputes”

7.16 “Arbitration”

7.17 “Loss of License”

7.18 “Breach and Termination of this Agreement”


8 “Billing

8.1 “Orders”

8.2 “Changed Orders

8.3 “Payment of fees

8.4 “Term of Agreement and Renewal”

8.5 “Cost and Software revenues

8.6 “Suspension”

8.7 “Termination”

8.8 “Assignment, Sub-Contracting and reselling”

8.9 “Warranties”



9.1 “Refusal of Services”

9.2 “Use of Services”

9.3 “Responsibilities”

9.4 “Security”

9.5 “Email Accounts”

9.6 “Domain Names

9.7 “Website Hosting

9.7.1 “Hosting Services”

9.7.2 “Managed Servers”

9.7.3 “Self-Managed Servers”

9.8 “Website Service “Agreement

9.9 “Use of the Network”

9.10  “Risk and ownership of equipment”

9.10.1 “Ownership”

9.10.2 “Delivery of Equipment”

9.10.3 “Risk of Equipment”

9.10.4 “Delivery to Third Parties”

9.10.5 “Use and Maintenance of Equipment”

9.10.6 “Third Party Premises”

9.11 “Maintenance of Equipment”

9.12 “Beta Services”

9.13 “Design and Development”

9.13.1 “Background Information

9.13.2 “Implementation of website

9.13.3 “Licensed Software

9.13.4 “Freeware Licenses

9.13.5 “Custom Software

9.13.6 “Sharing and Software revenues

9.13.7 “Programmability, Typographical Errors and Design Adjustments

9.13.8 “Detailed Designed Specifications

9.13.9 “Scope of Work

9.13.10  “Deliverables

9.13.11  Approval Process

9.13.12  Progress reports

9.13.13  “Spam and Email Virus Prevention

9.13.14  “Network Redundancy

9.14 “Backups

9.15 “Maintenance

9.16  “AUTOMI.io - CBots”

9.16.1 “Automi Workflow

9.16.2 “Search Engine Optimization

9.16.3 “Mailing Lists

9.16.4 “Short Code Messaging

9.16.5 “Publicity

9.16.6 “Videos and streaming

9.16.7 “Media Advertisements 

9.17 “Training”

9.17.1  “On the client premises

9.17.2  “IWs Training Facilities



10.1 “Summary of the Proprietary Information”

10.2 “Intellectual Property Rights Explained

10.3 “Non-Disclosure

10.4 “Confidential Information

10.5 “Copyright

10.6 “Trademark

10.6.1  “Trademark License”

10.6.2  “Trademark Royalties”

10.7 “Privacy Policy”

10.7.1  “Introduction”

10.7.2  “Privacy Guidelines”

10.7.3  “Privacy Notice”

10.7.4  “Privacy Consent”

10.7.5  “Privacy Access”

10.7.6  “Privacy Security”

10.7.7  “Privacy Notice to Parents”

10.7.8  “Privacy Policy Enforcement”

10.7.9  “Electronic Product Registration”

10.7.10  “Client Profiles”

10.7.11  “The Privacy Statement”

10.7.12  “What IW do with the information YOU share”

10.7.13  “What information does this Privacy Policy covers”

10.7.14  “What information do we collect and why”

10.7.15  “User Content and Account Information”

10.7.16  “Use of Collected Information”

10.7.17  “Email Communications”

10.7.18  “Financial Information”

10.7.19  IP Address Information and Other Information Collected Automatically”

10.7.20  “Information Collected Using Cookies”

10.7.21  “Information Related to Advertising”

10.7.22  “Aggregate Information”

10.7.23  Children Privacy”

10.7.24  “Summary of Information Sharing”

10.7.25  “Public Information About Your Activity”

10.7.26  IP Address Information”

10.7.27  “Information You Elect to Share”

10.7.28  “Access to Payment Processor Information”

10.7.29  “Information Shared with our Service Providers”

10.7.30  “Information Disclosed Pursuant to Business Transfers”

10.7.31  “Information Disclosed for our Protection and the Protection of Others”

10.7.32  “Information We share with your Consent”

10.7.33  “Is Information about me Secure?”

10.7.34  How can I Access or Delete my Personal Information”

10.7.35  “What Choices do I have regarding my Information”

10.7.36  “What happens when there are changes to this Privacy Policy”

10.7.37  “International Data Transfers”

10.7.38  “Complaints”

10.7.39  “Dispute Resolution”

10.8 “Ownership

10.9 “Limitation of Liability

10.10 Indemnification

10.11 ”Terms of use

10.12 “Acceptable User Policy” (“AUP”)

10.12.1 “Rights”

10.12.2  “Prohibited Services”

10.12.3  “Server Abuse”

10.13 “Solicitation

10.14 “Period of Contract

10.15 “Independent Contractors Agreement”

10.16 Force Majeure

10.17 Assignment

10.18 “Publishers Omissions

10.19 Relationship of Parties

10.20 Partial Invalidity

10.21 Waiver

10.22 Headings

10.23 “Specifying the Agreement





12.1              A:      “CUSTOM AUTHORED WORK”

12.2              B:      CONTENT TO BE INCLUDED IN WEBSITE”

12.3              C:       “META TAGS, KEYWORDS AND SITEMAPS”

12.4              D:       “APPROVAL OF THE DEPLOYED WEBSITE”


The index has no other meaning to this “Agreement” and to “The Parties” as for the purpose of bookmarking of this “Agreement

Last Update: 12/05/2023 - 14:44pm